A Brief Sampling of What You'll Learn From This Book
How to Find the Right Person
How do you find and meet people? How do you choose the right ones for possible romantic relationships? How difficult is this process? This is a huge topic. Everywhere you go people complain about how challenging it is to meet someone.How to Determine Who's Not Wrong
We often enter the dating phase trying to decide who is right for us. We meet someone. We do our homework. We're trying to decide if this is the right person. Or could be. This is a mistake.The "Pretty Girl Syndrome"
There's a saying that a beautiful woman is the most dangerous creature stalking the social scene. Women with boatloads of pretty wield a lot of power over men. And if you find yourself stuck in their orbit, it can get pretty ugly.
The Holy Grail
Remember that girl who blew your mind with her sexual appetite and daring? You may have met her in a bar, at a party, in the grocery store, or at the dentist's office. Or maybe you met her on that flight home for Thanksgiving.
How to Keep Them - Forever
Woman and men want relationships for different reasons. Women want security-and not necessarily financial security, especially these days. More often, they want emotional security.
Tips to Make it Better
There are many available strategies-or grand plans-to reach your relationship goals. I've supplied a few tactics-or short-term actions-to help drive your strategy to reach your goals.
Sturgeon takes the same "no BS" attitude that has made him a successful business-man and applies it to the world of dating, sex, and marriage.
Every woman should read this book and stop denying the differences between men and women. This read will make their relationships stronger.
Few speak more honestly about the differences between the sexes or the real desires of men. Sturgeon does both without apology.
Introduction to Men Are Pigs
Men are Pigs. It's hard to think of three words that pack more abusive punch when describing the disconnect between men and women.
Women think men are pigs because all they think about is sex. Men think women are pigheaded because they refuse to acknowledge the critical importance of sex. If relegated to elephant-in-the-room status, this disconnect can poison and eventually terminate a relationship. You can't wish away the differences between men and women, no matter how "enlightened" you may think such wishing might be.
I originally intended to call this book Pedestal Treatment. It was to be a collection of simple strategies to keep marital bonds warm. I wondered: what would happen if you got out of bed every morning and asked your spouse "What can I do to keep you one more day?"
As a serial entrepreneur in my 50s, I have had a long run of business success. My friends say that I'm obsessive compulsive. Others say I'm anal. But everyone agrees my success is due in large part to a knack for shrewdly analyzing business experiences and reaping potent lessons from them. I applied those same skills, strategies and perspectives to this book. So my approach is different from most writers who publish books in this vein.
I began by interviewing only men. As you can imagine most men my age are divorced. So I got some pretty good stories describing the ebb and flow of long-term relationships and what happens when things go wrong. I heard over and over about menopause for instance. Soon I began interviewing women.